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FIVE Generations

Ella is one lucky little girl. She got to meet two Great Grandmas and two Great Grandpas this Christmas as well as a Great Great Grandma! We had to make sure to take a 5 generation picture.


Not many babies get to meet their Great Grandmas, but I think it's even more rare to meet your Great Great Grandma. I'm so glad my Great Grandma was able to come to Christmas this year. She was so excited to meet Ella and her other Grandchildren. Ella is the only girl and is out numbered 5 boys to 1. (Soon to be 6 to 1!). She'll be well protected when we're visiting family!

{Ella with her Great Great Grandma}



I'm sure during Ella's life I'm going to have many regrets. Should have, would have, could have...

But are they supposed to start so soon? She's only 4 months old and I all ready regret things that I should have done better. I blame this on the internet and comparing yourself to other Mommies.

- They are better Mommies.

- They took weekly pictures of their belly - why didn't I? I don't even have a picture of how huge and swollen I got at the end. Mostly because I didn't like how I looked. Is that really fair to her? Or is she not going to care?

- They were up to date on their yearly photobooks {something I haven't even started} Will I even have time to do one? These pictures can't stay on the computer forever!

- They took more (and better) pictures of their kids.

- They got to stay at home. {being a working mom is hard and I miss so much}

I once read/heard somewhere {but I can't remember where} that people show us the highlight reels of their life and we are comparing that to our unedited version. It's easy to forget that I'm sure all of these other Mommies have regrets too. We just don't see them....



Photo Friday - Toes!

Someone found their toes!



Who Needs Sleep?

{ironically, Ella woke up right after I snapped this picture}

Not my child, apparently.

My sweet, practically sleeping through the night baby has been replaced by one who no longer thinks sleep is cool.

I started writing this post last Thursday after Ella's worst night of sleep since she was born. I saw every hour on the clock. This has happened before, but usually to get her back to sleep all I had to do was put her pacifier back in. Not so anymore. It would sometimes take me up to 30 minutes to get her back to sleep. The worst time it was an hour and a half. Lots of rocking and bouncing. It also seemed that every time I would lay her back in her crib, her eyes would pop back open again and I'd have to start the process all over again.

Once I would finally get her back to sleep and in her crib I would lay back down and it would be maybe 15-30 minutes later and she was awake again. Needless to say, I was a walking zombie at work the next day.

The next few nights weren't as bad as Thursday night. She used to go to sleep around 7:30-8pm and wouldn't wake up to eat until 2-3am. Then she would be back down until 7-8am. It.was.glorious. Now her typical sleep pattern is down between 7-8pm. Up a few times until 11-12am. During this time a pacifier is usually all she needs to go back to sleep. Eats around midnight and back to sleep until 2-3am when she eats again. This is when the night gets a little rough. She's usually up about every hour, needing a reinsertion of her pacifier. At around 5am she's ready to eat again where she sleep again until 7-8am. Once again, usually needed her pacifier put back in at least once during this time.

We're pretty exhausted around here and hoping that this not sleeping phase ends soon.


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