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Down with the sickness...

Poor little Ella is fighting her first cold.

She's had a little bit of a stuffy nose for a while, but really started to get stuffy on Tuesday night/Wednesday. Just in time for her first Thanksgiving! I also started coming down with something. I was definitely hoping that we either had the same thing and that she gave her cold to me. I didn't want to give her something else on top of what she already had.

Despite her not feeling well she was all smiles on Thanksgiving and the next few days. She was a little bit fussier than usual and took a few extra and longer naps. But aren't we all tired when we're not feeling well?


We thought that she might be getting an ear infection because she kept reaching back behind her ears. We called the pediatrician to see if we should take her to Urgent Care while we were at the grandparents, but because she wasn't inconsolable the doctor didn't think that's what it was and said we didn't need to bring her in.

Ella still wasn't feeling better on Monday so I took her to the walk-in sick hours. The doctor said she was fine and just had a cold. No ear infection and her lungs were clear. So, being the awesome mother I am, I sent my sick daughter to daycare.

Only four hours later they called and said she wasn't doing well. She has a little bout of diarrhea and has been banned from daycare for 24 hours. We're relaxing at home today hoping she's back to her healthy self soon!!

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